Bare spots can occur in your lawn for a number of reasons. Whether the area gets walked or played on frequently, there’s been drought, or your yard is infested with weeds or bugs, Proactive Landscaping in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma can help solve your problem. With plenty of experiencing solving lawn care problems, we know what it takes to get rid of bare spots throughout your lawn.
Bare Spots Because of Foot Traffic
If you have identified that too much foot traffic is the cause of a bare spot in your lawn, there are a few remedies you can take. You can try making a walkway in the area, or putting up a fence to move the flow of traffic in your yard. A stone path is a great way to add character to your yard and cover up bare spots at the same time.
When Insects are Causing Bare Spots
If the insects are eating up your lawn, causing bare spots in Broken Arrow, you will need to have your lawn treated before you can grow new grass. Treatment for insect destroying lawns such as grubs require the use of chemicals, and it will take a few weeks before you can plant new grass in the area that is being treated. If you aren’t sure how to apply pesticides to get rid of insects, contact Proactive Landscaping to do the job for you.
To Repair Bald Spots on Your Own
To repair a bald spot, start by digging around the spot, up to six inches deep. Break up any clumps, and add in a bit of topsoil to make the soil healthier. Rake the spot, tamping it down when you are finished. Add grass seed, and water the area liberally. Keep the soil moist by watering with a fine spray once a day, or as the weather requires.
When you need professional lawn care in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, call Proactive Landscaping at 918-808-8418 for a free estimate.